How to play Exploding Kittens

What is Exploding Kittens?

Exploding Kittens is one of the hottest games and is loved by many young people of Gen Z today. So how to play Exploding Kittens? What are the rules? Let’s find out with 77jl how to play the Exploding Kittens card board game from basic to extended through the article below!

What is Exploding Kittens?

Exploding Kittens is a group card board game for 2 – 5 players with simple and attractive gameplay. This is one of the most successful fundraising projects of Kickstarter. With attractive and interesting gameplay, Exploding Kittens has made a huge impact and has been welcomed by many players around the world. In the basic Exploding Kittens gameplay, you can only play with a maximum of 5 players. However, you can also easily expand to 10 players with different extended versions of Exploding Kittens.

What is Exploding Kittens?

Exploding Kittens card game rules

Each player is dealt 4 random cards and has an additional Defuse card. All remaining cards will be placed in the common deck.

Then, in each turn, the player can do anything with the available cards. At the same time, draw 1 card from the common deck at the end of the turn.

If unfortunately drawing an exploding cat card without a bomb, that player will be eliminated immediately. Then, pass the turn to the person next to him to continue playing exploding cat.

Obviously, the person who survives until the end will be the overall winner.

Instructions on how to play the exploding cat card board game

With the basic exploding cat version, you can only play with a maximum of 5 people. Let’s learn the basic way to play exploding cat below with 77jl to experience this attractive board game with your friends.


To start playing the basic exploding cat card board game, you just need to prepare a deck of 56 original exploding cat cards with annotations in Vietnamese or English as you like. Accordingly, the minimum number of players is 2. And it will definitely be much more interesting when playing with a maximum of 5 players.


The basic way to play Exploding Kittens includes the following cards:

Exploding Kittens – 4 cards: You will be eliminated if you have a Bomb Defusal card and put this card out immediately.

Defuse – 6 cards: You will not be eliminated if you draw an Exploding Kittens card when you put down the Bomb Defusal card. After that, you can leave the Exploding Kittens card you just drew in any position in the common deck.

Skip – 4 cards: With this card in the basic way to play Exploding Kittens, you will end your turn immediately without having to draw a card. At the same time, it also helps to escape 1 turn of the Attack card.

Attack – 4 cards: This card both helps you end your turn and forces the next player to draw 2 consecutive turns. If the next player also has an Attack card, their turn will end. Then, pass the 2 draws to the next player.
Shuffle (Shuffle) – 4 cards: When using the Shuffle card, you will be allowed to shuffle the deck but not see the cards in the deck.
Favor (Goodwill) – 4 cards: With this card in the basic Exploding Kittens gameplay, you will be assigned another player to give you 1 random card of theirs.
Nope (No) – 5 cards: Disables all actions of the cards (including the Nope card). However, except for the Exploding Kittens and Bomb Defusal cards.
See The Future (See the Future) – 5 cards: Allows you to see the first 3 cards in the common deck. Then return them to the correct position and do not let others know.

Start playing

When starting the Exploding Kittens gameplay, all players must draw cards to pass their turn. At the beginning of each turn, you can use function cards to attack others. Or you can peek at the cards or secretly place the Exploding Kitten card. However, at the end of the turn, you must draw 1 card from the common deck to pass the turn or use Skip, Attack cards if you do not want to draw cards.

Exploding Kittens extended gameplay

Streaking Kittens

Exploding Kittens – 1 card
See The Future – 1 card
Alter The Future – 1 card
Streaking Kitten – 1 card: If you have this card, you can keep 1 exploding kitten card without dying. However, if you hold the Streaking Kitten card and 1 bomb, if you draw the second bomb, it will also explode. Other players who receive the bomb from you will also be eliminated or use Defuse.

Super Skip – 1 card: This card in the Exploding Kittens open gameplay will end all your turns without drawing a card.
Swap Top and Bottom – 3 cards: Swap the top and bottom cards of the draw pile. However, you will not be able to look.
Garbage Collection – 1 card: All players with cards remaining must choose 1 card of their own. Then, insert it into the draw pile and shuffle it.
Catomic Bomb – 1 card: Take all the exploding cat cards (except Imploding Kittens) from the community deck. Then shuffle the deck and place all the exploding cat cards on top.

Mark – 3 cards: Randomly choose 1 card of a player. The way to play exploding cat with this card is that the designated person must turn the card face up for everyone to see until the card is used or taken away.
Curse of The Cat Butt – 2 cards: Choose to “blind” any player. That player must shuffle his cards and place them face down on the table. They will not be able to look at their cards until the end of their turn.

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